© Achim Meurer, Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz

Ostrava circular route

At a glance

  • Start: Passenger lift Bad Schandau
  • Destination: Passenger lift Bad Schandau
  • Medium
  • 2,85 km
  • 1 hour
  • 95 m
  • 248 m
  • 153 m

On the balcony of Bad Schandau

Winter refreshment open:

Sendig's Winter Garden Restaurant Parkhotel Bad Schandau

Restaurant in the Elbhotel

Restaurant Elbterrasse in Hotel Elbresidenz

Restaurant Tilia in Hotel Lindenhof

Restaurant "Zum Roten Haus

Il Ristorante Toskana

café & bistro drehscheibe in the Bad Schandau National Park railway station

Restaurant in Hotel Elbpromenade

Tour dashboard


  • Unknown (1%)
  • Tarmac (69%)
  • Hiking trail (18%)
  • Path (13%)


General information

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